Adding Comments in Canvas Quizzes As you create questions in a Canvas quiz, you’ll notice three colored boxes at the very bottom of each question. The box on the left is … [Read more...]
Providing Flexibility for Students, Especially During Disruptive Times
Many students take online courses because they have obligations — work, family, health, military service — that impact their ability to attend courses on-campus. … [Read more...]
Instructors: Assignments Using Turnitin
Turnitin (Tii) is a “similarity check” tool that you can enable in Canvas assignments. Tii identifies text in student papers that matches against the text in websites, … [Read more...]
Students: Assignments Using TurnItIn
Your instructor may have enabled TurnItIn (Tii) on one or more of your assignments for a course. This application is used to help you understand more about your writing … [Read more...]
Quick Tip: Where’s My Feedback?
As a student, you can see all your feedback from the Grades tab when viewing on a browser. The score will display automatically, but you will need to click on the icons … [Read more...]
Give Students Some Choice
Allowing students a choice in the topic they want to discuss grants them autonomy in their learning, which can be motivating, improve performance, and provide a more … [Read more...]
Academic Integrity by Design
The article “The New Cheating Economy,” published in The Chronicle of Higher Education (2016), tells the story of two Western Carolina University professors who set up a … [Read more...]
How to Improve Performance
In this TED Talk, Eduardo Briceño talks about how people improve their performance of a task--and the answer is not to perform that task more often. The answer lies in … [Read more...]
Turnitin: Enforcement or Learning Tool?
You’ve assigned a final project and told your students they must submit original work and cite their outside sources. When its enabled, Turnitin will analyze those 30 … [Read more...]