The procedure for finalizing and submitting final grades for UW-Eau Claire College of Business and UW MBA Consortium online courses follows:
- Verify all grades are entered in the gradebook correctly and no assignments are hidden.
- A column that has an eye icon with a slash (
) means that assignment is hidden from students.
- If the Total column has the eye with the slash, it means an assignment somewhere in the course is hidden.
- Look for dashes in the gradebook. This means the student did not submit that assignment, so it will not count for or against their grade, which may give them an incorrectly high grade. If you need the missing assignment to count against their grade, click on the dash and assign a zero.
- A column that has an eye icon with a slash (
- Once you have a total percentage (“Total” column in the gradebook), refer to the class syllabus for your grading scale, and assign the final grade in the “Final Grade” column based on this scale.
- There will also be a “Final Letter Grade” column with gray text, but this is just a placeholder for the assignment category.
- Submit grades for your own campus students how you normally submit them.
- If you have students from another campus, reply to the email you received about a week before your class ended to let us know your final grades are ready to be reported. Our staff will report grades to our partner campuses.
To identify what campus students are from:
- Go to the Canvas gradebook,
- Click Export >> Export entire gradebook.
- After downloading the Excel file (may take several seconds for the export to generate), open the file and view the column titled “SIS User ID.”
- UW-Eau Claire/Consortium students will have an ID that starts with “EAU” and students from UW Oshkosh will have an ID that starts with “OSH.”
General Grading Scales/Policies (for MBA Consortium only)
This section outlines the grading scales for Oshkosh, Eau Claire, and MBA Consortium.
Oshkosh Students
- A
- A-
- B+
- B
- B-
- C+
- C
- F
Any grade above “F” is acceptable.
Students are required to earn grades of B or better in Foundation courses. Students who earn grades below B (B-, C+ or C) in foundation-level courses will be required to repeat the course. In MBA core degree courses, students may only have a maximum of six credits below B (B-, C+ or C), otherwise they will need to repeat coursework with grades below B until they have no more than that maximum.
Eau Claire & MBA Consortium Students
- A
- A-
- B+
- B
- B-
- C+
- C
- C-
- D+
- D
- D-
- F
A maximum of three credits of C work (C+ or C) in Foundation courses and six credits of C work (C+ or C) in MBA courses will be accepted. A course in which a grade of less than C is earned will not be counted as fulfilling a requirement but will be computed in the GPA. If a student earns a D+ or lower in a graduate level course, they will be dismissed from the program.