Some of the assigned readings for your online course will be accessed online through University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s McIntrye Library. Often you can access these readings via a link in your Canvas course. For example, such readings might be found in a unit module or a discussion, depending on your professor’s presentation of the course.
There is a wealth of resources available to you through the online catalog and databases offered by McIntyre Library. You can start your research right from the library homepage. Searching for articles and using the databases will require you to log in.
You can narrow your search to databases specific to your topic. On the library home page, scroll down towards the bottom of the page to find the Find a Database button (in the Other Important Links section). Use of the databases requires a log in. See the "Login Instructions" section above for more information.
A number of Course & Research Guides have been prepared by McIntyre librarians to aid you in your research. Of particular note, the Business Guide includes a number of guides specific to Business
On this page, librarians share some tips and for finding scholarly resources.