Your Canvas profile is available to your classmates on the People tab. The information you provide in your profile gives your fellow students and your instructor the opportunity to know you a little bit (or a lot) better. It’s just one more way to build community.
Access/Edit Your Profile
Follow these directions to access and edit your Canvas profile.
What to Share
Share only what you are comfortable sharing. Your education and work information can help you connect with other professionals in similar fields. Listing your interests/hobbies and favorites can help make personal connections. You also have the opportunity to make connections by sharing links to your Google, Twitter, or LinkedIn profiles. We would also encourage you to list your pronouns (e.g., she, her, hers; they, them, theirs; ze, zir, zirs).
Your Profile Picture
Again, share a picture of yourself if you are comfortable doing so. Many of us like to put a face to a name. We recommend using a professional-looking image such as one you would use in your LinkedIn profile. Canvas recommends using as small an image as possible because it counts against your data limit. Follow these directions to upload your profile picture.